Signs of the Day of Judgment: Are We Living in the End Times?
Signs of the Day of Judgment: Are We Living in the End Times?
The Day of Judgment (Qiyamah) is one of the fundamental beliefs of Islam. Allah has warned us about its signs in the Quran, reminding us that while its exact time is unknown, there will be clear indications of its approach.
Allah says:
"They ask you about the Hour: ‘When will it happen?’ Say, ‘Its knowledge is only with my Lord. None will reveal its time except Him.’" (Quran 7:187)
Many of these signs are appearing today, making us wonder: Are we living in the End Times? Let’s explore the minor and major signs of Qiyamah as mentioned in the Quran.
1. Minor Signs of Qiyamah (Already Appearing or Fulfilled)
The minor signs appear gradually over time, leading to the major events. Many of them are already visible today.
A. Signs Related to Faith and Morality
✅People will abandon religion and follow desires
"Have you seen the one who takes his own desires as his god?" (Quran 45:23)
✅ Widespread immorality and indecency
"And do not approach unlawful sexual intercourse. Indeed, it is an outrage and an evil path." (Quran 17:32)
✅ The rise of ignorance and lack of true Islamic knowledge
"And most of them follow nothing but conjecture. Surely, conjecture is no substitute for the truth at all." (Quran 10:36)
✅ Music and distractions will lead people away from faith
"And of the people is he who buys idle talk to mislead others from the way of Allah without knowledge and takes it as a mockery. Those will have a humiliating punishment." (Quran 31:6)
B. Social and Economic Signs
✅ Dishonesty and corruption will spread
"And do not consume one another’s wealth unjustly or send it to rulers in order to [wrongfully] consume a portion of the wealth of the people while you know [it is unlawful]." (Quran 2:188)
✅ Interest (Riba) will become common
"Allah has permitted trade and has forbidden interest." (Quran 2:275)
✅ People will become greedy for wealth and materialism
"Rivalry for worldly gain distracts you, until you visit the graves." (Quran 102:1-2)
C. Corruption in Leadership and Society
✅ Injustice and oppression will increase
"Indeed, Allah commands justice, good conduct, and giving to relatives and forbids immorality, bad conduct, and oppression." (Quran 16:90)
✅ People will disobey parents and disrespect family ties
"So would you perhaps, if you turned away, cause corruption on earth and sever your ties of kinship?" (Quran 47:22)
✅ Truth will become falsehood, and falsehood will become truth
"And do not mix the truth with falsehood or conceal the truth while you know [it]." (Quran 2:42)
D. Natural Disasters and Changes in the World
✅ Frequent earthquakes and natural calamities
"Do they not see that We come to the land and reduce it from its borders?" (Quran 13:41)
✅ Time will feel like it is passing quickly
"The Hour has drawn near, and the moon has been split." (Quran 54:1)
✅ Arab lands will become green and fertile again
"Have they not seen that We drive water to barren land, producing crops from which they and their cattle eat?" (Quran 32:27)
2. Major Signs of Qiyamah (When the End is Near)
The major signs will occur one after another, leading directly to the final moments of the world.
A. The Emergence of Dajjal (The Great Deceiver)
✅ A great trial will come to test people’s faith
"And fear a trial which will not strike those who have wronged among you exclusively, and know that Allah is severe in penalty." (Quran 8:25)
B. The Return of Prophet Isa (AS) (Jesus Christ)
✅ Prophet Isa (AS) will return to defeat falsehood
"And indeed, he [Jesus] will be a sign for the Hour, so have no doubt about it and follow Me. This is a straight path." (Quran 43:61)
C. The Appearance of Ya’juj and Ma’juj (Gog and Magog)
✅ A destructive nation will be released upon the world
"Until when [the dam of] Gog and Magog has been opened and they, from every elevation, descend." (Quran 21:96)
D. The Smoke (Dukhan) Will Cover the Earth
✅A great smoke will engulf the world as a warning
"Then watch for the Day when the sky will bring a visible smoke, covering the people; this will be a painful torment." (Quran 44:10-11)
E. The Beast of the Earth (Dabbatul Ard) Will Appear
✅ A strange beast will emerge, speaking to people
"And when the word befalls them, We will bring forth for them a creature from the earth speaking to them, because the people were not certain in Our signs." (Quran 27:82)
F. The Sun Will Rise from the West
✅ A major cosmic change will occur as a final warning
"The day your Lord comes, no soul will benefit from its faith if it had not believed before or had not earned good through its faith." (Quran 6:158)
G. A Great Fire Will Spread, Gathering People for Judgment
✅ A massive fire will force people to their final destination
"And when the wild beasts are gathered, and when the seas are set on fire." (Quran 81:5-6)
After these events, the Trumpet (Sur) will be blown, ending all life and beginning the Day of Judgment.
3. Are We Living in the End Times?
While only Allah knows the exact time of Qiyamah, many minor signs have already appeared, and the major signs may not be far away.
Instead of fearing the end, we should strengthen our faith and prepare for the Hereafter.
4. How Should We Prepare?
✅ Follow the Quran and Sunnah – Hold firmly to Islamic teachings.
✅ Increase in good deeds and seek forgiveness – Repent before it is too late.
✅Pray regularly and give charity – Strengthen your relationship with Allah.
✅ Seek refuge in Allah from trials – Especially from the fitnah of Dajjal.
✅ Stay away from sins and distractions – Focus on pleasing Allah.
The signs of Qiyamah are not just warnings but reminders for us to return to Allah. While the exact hour is unknown, we can see many signs unfolding, and we must prepare for the Hereafter.
May Allah guide us all, protect us from the trials of the End Times, and grant us Jannah. Ameen.
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